Suma ni berlaku pada pukul 11 pagi dimana member mengutip aku dari rumah. disebabkan perjalanan tu memang menghala ke satu destinasi.. kemungkinan kita bole singgah kat indah prade.Actually wedding tu kat tanjung malim so ktorag gi ar perak ngn penuh keseronokkan we ~ ~..
sampai kat sana.. maka termakan la aku lauk2 org kahwin nom nom nom then take some picture click click click.. then we continue to indah prade kat kl (lol sumpah aku x tau jalan nak gi sana)
then my friend got to choose to buy C system maxed out brunswick 14pound for RM500. masa tu aku pon gatal la x tahan sangat lalu aku pon rembat bola t-zone brunswick indigo blue 13 pound it was nice ball and i hope she can do a better job for taking my spare pin O_O soo it would be better if i post some of the awesomeness pic
then my friend got to choose to buy C system maxed out brunswick 14pound for RM500. masa tu aku pon gatal la x tahan sangat lalu aku pon rembat bola t-zone brunswick indigo blue 13 pound it was nice ball and i hope she can do a better job for taking my spare pin O_O soo it would be better if i post some of the awesomeness pic
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pretty damn bad ass t-zone ball lying on ma bed bro~ |
so what do you think? pretty bad ass kan? bola ni mmg bola straight but company brunswick ni x ske buat bola simple just like dat. So dey decide utuk letak core kecil inside bola tu so if beginner who buy tzone and use it as a straight ball, they have a chances to change their play style into hook ball by not buying other ball. so konsep dia mcm lebih kurang mcm "kill 2 birds with 1 stone" so newbies bole rasa how to generate rev when playing hook. bola straight yg laen jarang ada core.. so it can give some confident for them if they want to upgrade with entry lvl ball :).
why kena try2? sbb bola hook mmg mahal.. sbijik bole cecah RM300 so jgn nyesal kata hook x best ar rugi je beli.. ahaha actually aku ada terbaca satu artical yg bg pasal many player yg baru start maen hook mmg average score dia sgt teruk dalam masa 6 bulan at least.. so benda tu normal bg org baru belajar... bak kata mat salleh
"back to basics"
well ckp byk pon x guna eak.. lebih baek kte p mibc kte try baling kan lg syiok its like a
"more action less word"
nice bro,,best speech ko -izzat-
ReplyDeletehaha x de la.. copy paste je