Its been so long i post this blog bcoz of my laziness trololol .. sorry for kept you guys waiting haha (perasan). Anyway, i like to tell about what ive been duin in several days before Syawal. On the 3/8/2013 mat nor has invited me for breakfasting at key ell yaw~!. At first im so de heck buka puasa jauh 2 but then he tell me dat he want to shop for his baju raya.. so ive been thinking if i just go with him maybe i can buy me a new cloth too so without objection, meh what the heck..
EOS 400D 1/160 sec f/2.5 ISO 400 |
We took a LRT from Taman Jaya just to avoid jam in KL and blah3 we here. firstly we go to Masjid India but our luck just ran out coz the street was packed with people like a sardine bak kata org. Then we decide to go to SOGO and Pavilion. From ZARA to H&M, from brands outlet to Parkson haha so many places we've been. bukan byk brg pon gua shoping tp nazmi ngn matnor ar byk brg. And then just before we went to KLCC we went to a shopping mall dat really2 make us look like a kumpulan pendekar pengemis baik hati. All of the merchandise kat dalam tu x sah kalo harga dia cecah RM 1k haha.
EOS 400D 1/50 sec f/2 ISO 400 |
I even found out there was a Leica shop in there hehe and it was AWESOME. For those who dont know, leica is a brand camera that can make nikon and canon look like disposable item. It is also one of the brand yg menyebabkan terlahirnya Nikon dan Canon hehe >_<.
Ops where were we? oh ya so we were continue our journey to KLCC and searching for habil and qabil.. eh LOL! silap tanje and jatro. X tau la betul ke x dorang kate dorang sempat masuk petrosains sbb lambat sgt tunggu kitorang haha .. well biasaq ar tuq. Then matnor sempat lagi beli kasut dia kat kedai ape ntah aku pon da lupa.. kedai dia mmg nampak luxury. He bought a shoes dat made some sort of
suede material bleh~! XP.. it is so weird dat why people invented a shoes that have a low durability when it meets rain? and people really buy it haha.
EOS 400D 1/30 sec f/3.2 ISO 1600 |
here is other moment that aku sompat capture hehe
EOS 400D 1/200 sec f/1.8 ISO 400
Oh did i mention that we eat at chilis? XD |
EOS 400D 1/25 sec f/1.8 ISO 400 |
EOS 400D 1/30 sec f/1.8 ISO 400 |
EOS 400D 1/40 sec f/1.8 ISO 400 |
EOS 400D 1/30 sec f/1.8 ISO 400 |
EOS 400D 1/25 sec f/1.8 ISO 400 |
EOS 400D 1/60 sec f/1.8 ISO 400 |
EOS 400D 1/40 sec f/1.8 ISO 400 |
EOS 400D 1/50 sec f/1.8 ISO 400 |
The food is OK but the price is haiz.. i spent for a about MYR 50 for a meal so i cant say im satisfied with it. one said that some restaurant charge your meal for the environment. well at least i know what im spending diz much lol.
HTC Sense N/A sec f N/A ISO N/A |
HTC Sense N/A sec f N/A ISO N/A |
iPhone 4 N/A sec f N/A ISO N/A |
OK till next time : 3