So one day i was like "woah dude, This jecket man.. its so preety" lets buy it. A jecket for 60MYR is quite cheap and ive been always want to own it myself. For the last time, wearing farouq sweater is kind of awkward lol. But now yey i bought em.. hehe
EOS 400D 1/100 sec f/2.8 ISO 200 |
EOS 400D 1/100 sec f/3.5 ISO 200 |
Later dat nite, my friend discover something yg x kena.. and i was shocked and lil bit sad about it. but its a small matter dat even i can fixed myself
EOS 400D 1/100 sec f/4.5 ISO 200 |
EOS 400D 1/100 sec f/4 ISO 200 |
EOS 400D 1/100 sec f/3.5 ISO 200 |
see.. its easy as a pie XD.. now you must been wondering why i cut the inner hood? hehe well some of you are already notice it but erm ill let your imagination running wild why i cut it ok .. cya~!
: )